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 Album photo de Brent Hughes

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Brent Hughes
Brent Hughes

Date d'inscription : 31/12/2023
Messages : 523

Who Am I?
Age: 51 ans
Date de naissance: 25 mai 1935
Localisation: Downtown
Birth place: Los Angeles
Je suis: entousiaste
Song: Saviour Machine - David Bowie

Album photo de Brent Hughes Empty
MessageSujet: Album photo de Brent Hughes   Album photo de Brent Hughes I_icon_minitimeJeu 19 Sep - 14:05

Brent's pictures

1953 - Fairfax High School
Graduation's day!
1956 - Don's Villa
First CV Picture (Picture by Don Hughes)
1959 - At the photograph
Another CV Picture
1970 - Hollywood
Spaceship's first episode projection
1967 - Polo Lounge
MTI's anniversary
1986 - Shran's Villa
Chilling in the sun (picture by Enora Lee)
1984 - San Diego
Spaceship Convention
1984 - Don's Villa
On stage for Don's Birthday
1985 - Polo Lounge
Too much Martini when "Whish I Had A Gun" was realised.
1984 - Hollywood
Photoshoot for a local paper.
1980 - Shran's Villa
Smiling at Shran's anger (picture by Enora Lee)
1969 - Shran's Villa
Being the witness of the groom - Shran's first wedding (picture by Sonya Shran)
1969 - Shran's Villa
Stealing the show at Shran's first wedding. (picture by Sonya Shran)
1969 - Shran's Villa
Drunk and a little lost at Shran's first wedding (picture by Snoya Shran)
1970 - Hollywood
Spaceship's first episode projection
1960 - MTI's Tower
First day at work!
1970 - San Fernando Valley's studios
Becoming Datalore. (picture by Stephen Shran)
1967 - Polo Lounge
A Gala With Marina Troi (picture by Stanley Montgomery).
1977 - Shran's Villa
The Beginning of an aging process... (picture by Stephen Shran)
1970 - Enora Lee's Villa
Photoshoot for a Spaceship convention
1977 - San Diego
Talking about Datalore at a Spaceship convention (picture by Stephen Shran)
1969 - Brent's Flat
Thinking or dreaming? (picture by Stephen Shran)
1986 - Spaceship's set
A new generation Datalore. (Picture by Enora Lee)
1970 - Spaceship's set
Datalore in action. (picture by Stephen Shran)
1963 - MTI's Studio
First Recording
1984 - Las Vegas
Spaceship convention (picture by Stephen Shran)
1969 - Home
Watching TV (picture by Don Hughes)
1970 - San Fernando Valley's Studios
Becoming Datalore (picture by Enora Lee)
1970 - San Fernando Valley's Studios
Reading the script (picture by Stephen Shran)
1964 - Hollywood
With Marina Troi and a friend
1970 - On Spaceship's Set
Getting ready to play! (picture by Stephen Shran)
1975 - MTI's Studios
Coffee and management (picture by Don Hughes)
1965 - MTI's studios
1972 - Walk Of Fame
Spaceship's cast first gala
1970 - Spaceship's set
Discussing acting
1986 - Spaceship's set
New Make-up test (picture by Stephen Shran)
1970 - Spaceship's set
First make-up test (picture by Enora Lee)


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Brent Hughes
Brent Hughes

Date d'inscription : 31/12/2023
Messages : 523

Who Am I?
Age: 51 ans
Date de naissance: 25 mai 1935
Localisation: Downtown
Birth place: Los Angeles
Je suis: entousiaste
Song: Saviour Machine - David Bowie

Album photo de Brent Hughes Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Album photo de Brent Hughes   Album photo de Brent Hughes I_icon_minitimeJeu 21 Nov - 18:19

Brent's pictures II

1970 - San Diego Comic Con
Having a Martini at the Restaurant after the Con! (Picture By Shran)
1978 - Polo Lounge
A Speech For Shran's Birthday (Picture By Enora Lee)
1983 - Shran's Villa
Pretending to be a bad boy (Picture By Sonya Shran)
1964 - Brent's Flat
Concentration (Picture By Shran)


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Album photo de Brent Hughes

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